Things To Consider: Recycled Practicing A Daily Personal Holiness Joshua 1:1-9…Moses my servant…
In episode 342, we're reminded of how the Spirit anoints us to experience the Spirit’s power and em…
The 2025 HealthFlex Annual Open Enrollment is just around the corner! Be sure to stay tuned for fur…
West Ohio Online Store Many of you have asked for it and it is finally here – our very own West…
As followers of Jesus, we desire to assist those in need. As United Methodists,we also understand t…
Jesus calls us to be followers in every aspect of our lives, whether at work, home, or our communit…
Things to consider—The Mind-Set of a Godly Leader--1ˢᵗ Kings 3:3-14 Solomon Loved the Lord; 2) So…
HealthFlex active plan participants have access to Blue Cross Blue Sheild 365 gym discounts providi…