Invitation to Pray
We’re encouraging you to pray for your circuit in the following ways:
Pray for the churches, leadership, and their surrounding community.
You can also pray for:
Or you might pray for the collaboration happening across churches, the courage to step into new ways of ministry, and the compassion to respond to the needs we encounter. Pray for the capacity to grow and for God’s guidance as we work together to transform lives.
Or you might pray for:
- Hospitality to welcome new people with open hearts and open arms.
- Opportunities to offer Christ and invite others into God’s love.
- growth in our capacity to Practice the means of grace and for God’s guidance as we work together to transform lives.
- Engagement in meaningful service that blesses our communities.
What is Circuit Ministry?
Circuit Ministry brings together a geographic group of congregations to collaborate in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. It’s not just about each church working alone but joining hands with other churches to amplify God’s work. It embodies shared efforts for hospitality, offering Christ, personal practices, and engagement—what we refer to as Habits of Hope.
The Habits of Hope
Through the habits of hope, we’re challenged to live out specific practices that reflect Christ's love and mission in our communities:
- Hospitality: How are we welcoming and receiving new people that God brings our way?
- Offering Christ: In what ways are we inviting others to experience God’s love and grace in meaningful ways?
- Practices: How do we intentionally grow in our faith, day by day, embodying the means of grace in daily, weekly, and annual rhythms?
- Engagement: How are we being a blessing to others, actively serving our community and living out our faith?
These habits are vital, both in our individual churches and across the circuits. They help us remain focused on our calling to make disciples and bring transformation, starting in our own hearts and extending outward.
Guiding Values for Circuit Ministry
Circuit ministry also embraces five guiding values that keep us focused on Christ's mission:
1. Collaboration – Working together, we deepen relationships and experience transformation in partnership with other congregations and the community (Acts 4:32-37).
2. Community – Relationships are at the core. Through the means of grace, we walk together toward social holiness and transformed lives (Acts 2:43-47).
3. Capacity Building – Transformation is Spirit-led, requiring a growth mindset. How can we expand our capacity for ministry today? (Acts 2:37-42)
4. Courage – Courage means sharing our hearts, being authentic, and walking boldly with kindness, even when we’re afraid (Acts 9:10-19).
5. Compassion – Ministry requires us to care for one another and respond to the needs around us with love and grace (Acts 6:1-6).
Questions or assistance with Circuit Ministry can be directed to Sara Thomas at sarathomas@wocumc.org