2025 Mission Offering Recipients

Contributions made through the 2025 Annual Conference mission offering will support various ministries throughout the Congo, humanitarian relief efforts through the United Methodist Committee on Relief, and the building of the Scranton Mission Center in Korea.


In the Democratic Republic of Congo, years of colonialism and civil war left their mark on the people of this rugged land. A lack of infrastructure and social services means that many rural communities have no access to necessities like hospitals, schools, and clean drinking water. The North Katanga Conference of The United Methodist Church has stepped into that gap, and with the support of the West Ohio Conference, now provides services like the Kamina Children’s Home for youth orphaned by war or disease; Wings of the Morning aviation ministry, which flies sick or injured Congolese from rural areas to city hospitals; Kamisamba Farm, which trains farmers across the country on sustainable agricultural practices; and rural hospitals and health clinics, which provide care and prevention of diseases like malaria, cholera, and dysentery.


As the mission and humanitarian assistance agency of The United Methodist Church, Global Ministries leads The United Methodist Church in equipping, strengthening and transforming people and communities for God’s mission around the world. In its work of making disciples of Jesus Christ, Global Ministries envisions and facilitates mission so that churches and faith communities grow and flourish; justice, freedom, peace, health and well-being prevail across racial, cultural, national and political boundaries; and people of all faiths live in dignity and security, even when they face humanitarian disasters and their aftermath. 

Through mission, The United Methodist Church realizes its greatest unity, and through mission and being in mission together, society achieves its greatest potential.


Plans are in the making for the Scranton Mission Center in Seoul Korea. The center is expected to include a history exhibition and guest house for those participating in mission engagement opportunities. The mission center is named after the first woman missionary to Korea, Mary Scranton. She and her son, William, became a significant part of the foundation of Korean Methodism. They were supported in their ministry by Euclid Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church in Cleveland, Ohio.

Mary Scranton founded Ewha University, the largest women’s university in the world. The mother-and-son team from Cleveland also planted several churches in Korea.  More information about the Mission Center will be available soon.