    How to Help UMCOR…

    As followers of Jesus, we desire to assist those in need. As United Methodists,we also understand t…

  • Episode 341
    Episode 341: Everyday…

    Jesus calls us to be followers in every aspect of our lives, whether at work, home, or our communit…

  • Things to consider by…

      Things to consider—The Mind-Set of a Godly Leader--1ˢᵗ Kings 3:3-14 Solomon Loved the Lord; 2) So…

  • Healthflex
    Gym Discount Benefits…

    HealthFlex active plan participants have access to Blue Cross Blue Sheild 365 gym discounts providi…

  • Bishop
    Installation Service…

    Please join us as we welcome Bishop Hee-Soo Jung and his spouse the Rev. Im-Hyon to the West Ohio A…

  • connect
    Learn about Enneagram…

    Do you know what the enneagram is?  What information can you learn from knowing what your enne…

  • Book club
    Expanding Connection…

    Join the conversation in a space where everyone is learning something about neighbor and themselves…

  • Episode 339
    Episode 339:…

    Transformation happens in reflection. Join us this week as we begin a new series. You'll be guided…