Midwest Mission Distribution Center is in need of UMCOR Hygiene and Menstrual Hygiene Kits! After s…
The 2023 Special Sunday Kit provides a full package of ready to use resources to help your church c…
As we approach the fall and prepare for a new quadrennium, our West Ohio Nominations Team is excite…
The new HealthFlex Plan is coming January 1, 2024. HealthFlex is rapidly gaining popularity, thanks…
Poverty and war left many children orphans in Kamina, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Kamina…
You are invited to the Sprague Forum on September 30th, 9am-12pm, at North Broadway United Met…
Are you bursting with passion and creativity to revolutionize ministry and make a lasting impac…
Many of us sit in the church sanctuary on Sunday mornings with an eye turned toward the door, hopin…