The United Methodist Community Development Collaborative is an initiative for East and West Ohio ch…
Join North Broadway UMC in Columbus for an Earth Care Conference on Saturday, September 30, from 9:…
Paragraph 603.5 of The 2016 Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church outlines the provisio…
The postponed 2020 General Conference will be held April 23 - May 4, 2024, in Charlotte, North Caro…
The United Methodist Community Development Collaborative is an initiative for East and West Ohio c…
The Connectional Ministries Office, Board of Missions, and Health & Well-Being Committee of the…
The Fresh Starts Large Church Ministry Exchange is on September 21 with special guest for this exch…
another opportunity to join a GHX Cohort begins this fall on September 15, 2023! GHX is a new…