Bias Opinion

Reflections on 50 Years of Ministry: It Matters Where you Start - Part 1

Well, we have reached the fifth blog in the series, "Reflections on 50 Years of Ministry.” So, enough is enough. I have been at this work long enough to know that you have been gracious with this old guy. As you might guess, I have more to share. It will come later. But for now, let me remind you of the previous four blogs in the series. You can find them at I invite you to visit the website and discover the resources there.

This blog will be in two parts. Part One this week and Part Two, which will conclude the series, will be next week. I am grateful for this opportunity to highlight and emphasize what I have learned to be important for Christ-centered leaders. I hope you have found this helpful and fruitful in leading people to become who God has created them to be.

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