Latest News

  • Bishops Response
    Bishop Palmer's…

    The nations are in an uproar, the kingdoms totter;   he utters his voice, the earth…

  • Mideast violence
    United Methodist Church…

    The Council of Bishops (COB) of The United Methodist Church has condemned the ongoing violence in t…

  • Bishop's Fall Tour
    Bishop's Fall Tour…

    Join Bishop Palmer as he travels to each district in the West Ohio Conference for the Grace Upon G…

    Listening to…

    Throughout scripture, Jesus engages with marginalized people, with those who are cast out of our so…

    Fall UMCOR Kit…

    After a year that saw record-breaking disasters occurring around the world, Midwest Mission Distrib…

    Nonprofit Partners…

    The United Methodist Foundation of West Ohio is gearing up for the Nonprofit Partners Summit, a fre…
