    Fall UMCOR Kit…

    After a year that saw record-breaking disasters occurring around the world, Midwest Mission Distrib…

    Nonprofit Partners…

    The United Methodist Foundation of West Ohio is gearing up for the Nonprofit Partners Summit, a fre…

  • Death Penalty
    Faith Week to End Ohio’…

    Communities of faith throughout Ohio are invited to join Ohio Council of Churches and No Death Pena…

  • GC2024 Training
    General Conference…

    Delegates for the postponed 2020 General Conference of The United Methodist Church are en…

  • Retired Giver
    5 Things You Need to…

    I’m getting older. Some would say I’m already old. While I’m not retiring yet, I recognize that it’…

  • Missionary part 2
    Bias Opinion

    What Does it Mean to be a Christ-Centered Missionary? Part 2 Have you ever considered yourself t…

  • Episode 291
    Episode 291

    Episode 291: Embrace Your Mission Field - Fall in Love with Christ & Community Again Jesus i…

  • Christ-Centered Missionary
    Bias Opinion

    What Does it Mean to be a Christ-Centered Missionary? Who or what comes to mind when you hear th…