  • Freedom Schools
    West Ohio Freedom…

    My favorite story from this year is about one of our third graders who almost had to repeat because…

  • Unnatural Disasters
    Register Now for “…

    Floods. Hurricanes. Wildfires. Droughts. As the planet warms around us, causing disasters such as…

  • Connect a around table
    You Are Invited to…

    Sharing around a table is one of the most uniquely human things we do. No other creature consumes i…

  • Creation Care
    Share How Your Ministry…

    Since 2008 the WOC has passed resolutions encouraging local church establishment of Green Teams…

  • Um on war
    United Methodists Pray…

    Our United Methodist Bishops call on “all United Methodists to renew a deepened commitment to pray…

  • Council of Bishops
    "Give Peace a…

    “Give Peace A Chance” Christ’s true disciples must work for peace: build it and not just keep it…

  • SSAC2023-newsitemOctober2023
    Summary of the Special…

    Summary of the Special Session of the 2023 West Ohio Annual Conference The West Ohio Annual…

  • Leadership Clinics
    NYT Bestseller Kate…

    New York Times bestselling author and award-winning podcast host, Kate Bowler will be Bishop Palmer…

  • Mexico VIM
    Join a Mexico VIM Team…

    Each year, the West Ohio Conference sends five to six Volunteers in Mission teams to the Oriental C…