Bishop Names Ohio Episcopal Area Task Team and Consultant
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Bishop Hee-Soo Jung has named the members of the Ohio Episcopal Area Task Team and the consultant who will facilitate its work. The team consists of eight members and two ex-officio staff members from both the East Ohio and West Ohio Conferences. Their role is to actively listen, discuss, discern, and make decisions about forming a new, unified Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church.

“God is calling us into this new strategic journey together. This task team has been prayerfully selected—each person strong in faith and deeply committed to The United Methodist Church. They are organized for this important work,” Bishop Jung said.

Rev. Doug Anderson, who will serve as the team’s consultant, is well known in both East and West Ohio. Over the years, he has led multiple workshops and seminars in both conferences, including a two-year comprehensive church development process and Church by Size seminars.

“My role as consultant is to facilitate discussions with a variety of leaders from both conferences. These conversations will focus on building relationships and trust. That trust will enable openness and honesty, allowing clarity of God’s call to emerge,” Anderson said.

Anderson is currently serving a local church in the Indiana Conference and is in his 55th year of ministry. Previously, he served as the founding Executive Director of the Bishop Rueben Job Center for Leadership Development for 15 years. He and his wife of 52 years have four children, nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

Ohio Episcopal Area Task Team Members

East Ohio Conference:

  • Rev. Armando Arellano
  • Rev. Dianne Tobey Covault
  • Thomas Lewis
  • Rev. Hyeran Yu
  • Rev. Heidi Welch (Episcopacy Committee Chair)
  • Rev. Steve Stultz Costello (CFA Chair)
  • Rev. Randy May (Trustees President)
  • Kimberly Green (Conference Lay Leader)

Ex-Officio Members:

  • Rev. Ed Peterson (Executive Assistant to the Bishop)
  • Vera Milanovic (Executive Director of Financial & Administrative Services)

West Ohio Conference:

  • Daniel Cardenas
  • Rev. Leroy Chambliss
  • Janet George
  • Catherine Kang
  • Rev. Wade Giffin (Episcopacy Committee Chair)
  • David Scott (CFA Chair)
  • Julie Hurtig (Trustees Chair)
  • Leslie Hall (Conference Lay Leader)

Ex-Officio Members:

  • Rev. Linda Middelberg (Executive Assistant to the Bishop)
  • Bill Brownson (Chief Financial Officer/Director of Administration)

Bishop Jung is eager for the work to begin and anticipates a vision-driven process with strategic resolution within the next three years.

“Let us offer our prayers that the Spirit will lead this team to cast a vision for a strong, new United Methodist Church in Ohio,” Bishop Jung said.

As the Ohio Episcopal Area Task Team begins its work, Bishop Jung has written this prayer for use by individuals and congregations:

“Loving God, Bless us to seek God's renewing presence and love. Guide The United Methodist Church in Ohio land to rise again with dynamic love, bold vision, and a mission to transform the world.”