West Ohio Conference Trustees are pleased to introduce your church to Integrity Energy. Integrity E…
Bishop Gregory V. Palmer has announced the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Suzanne Allen as Great Miami…
UMCOR awarded a solidarity grant to the Pacific Northwest Conference to support initial response ef…
On October 20, The Ohio Council of Churches will hold its 4th Annual Anti-Racism Sunday. This worsh…
In 2016, Jean Bricker and a team of sewists at Lewis Center United Methodist Church responded to a…
The West Ohio Conference Treasurer's Office is now offering apportionment statements by email. S…
With mid-August upon us, many pastors and church leaders are beginning to think about annual stewar…
Reading as one way of nurturing both the head and heart is an ongoing process. There are, however,…
Greetings, dear friends in Christ Jesus. One of the great joys I have had serving you in this ro…