Beloved friends in Christ Jesus
I am so grateful that at every turn when I have encouraged your generosity to help the work of healing and hope, near and far, you have responded overwhelmingly. After collaboration our Annual Conference Offering this year will be devoted to funding a four-year scholarship to attend Africa University for a student from the North Katanga Conference, our partner conference in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Let me break down this opportunity for you. Tuition for one year at Africa University is $6,500. Therefore, to fund a student for four years, from start to finish, for a bachelor’s degree at Africa University costs $26,000. Startling, isn’t it?
During our visit to Africa University in January, Cynthia and I committed $26,000 of our resources to fund the four-year journey of one student beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year. We are excited to be able to come alongside a student to attend the School of Dreams in the Valley of Hope – Africa University.
Your generous response to this year’s Annual Conference Offering will transform the life of a student, our church, and the world. You will note here ways you can submit your offering. Donations may be made through this link or brought to the Annual Conference missional worship service at 9:00 am on Thursday, May 30th. I look forward to announcing going over the top in this endeavor before or during our Annual Conference Session.
Your servant in Christ Jesus,
+Gregory V. Palmer