Learn more about AIC and Home Missioner/Deaconess Ministries at Connect A-Round Table
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You are invited to the upcoming Connect A-Round Table virtual meetings to learn from West Ohio leaders in ministry. In March, representatives from All In Community will be featured, and in April, the Home Missioner/Deaconess Ministry will be highlighted. This is an opportunity to learn about these ministries and consider ways to participate.

On Thursday, March 27 Jami Nathan and her colleagues share their experiences with All In Community, Ohio’s justice-involved ministry. AIC’s work is focused on restoring hope to individuals and families whose lives have been changed by crime, incarceration, or injustice.

Click here to register

On Thursday, April 24, Andy Hill and Marcia Florkey will share their experiences as a Home Missioner and Deaconess and discuss how others can get involved in this service.

Click here to register

Each gathering will begin at 5:30 pm. You are invited to enjoy your dinner during these virtual conversations.

For questions, please contact Julie Carter at, jcarter@wocumc.org.