2024 Annual Conference Logo


Annual Conference will be here in just three short weeks, and you and your church are invited to be an active participant this year! Read below for ways that you can be involved before and during Annual Conference.

Volunteer Opportunities

Many hands are needed to help us navigate Annual Conference this year. If you are attending and can take a shift welcoming folks, driving a golf cart, or assisting with distribution of our lunches, please sign up!  We need you! Sign up here.

For those of you in the Columbus area, please share this information with your congregation. If you would like, send the signup link directly to folks you think might be interested. Click here to copy and send the link.

Ushers Needed

Ushers serve in a wide range of areas; welcoming and directing attendees, showing hospitality, assisting conference members and staff as needed, setting up the conference space prior to the daily events, etc.  Please contact usherwoc@butter.toast.net and include your name and phone number. We will be in touch as soon as possible.

Annual Conference Prayer Vigil

You and your church can sign up for a designated prayer time to support the work done at Annual Conference. Intervals of 30 minutes are available throughout Annual Conference for your congregation to be in prayer. As the time draws closer to Annual Conference you will be given prompts to help guide your time with God. Sign up here or share the link with others in your congregation.

Mission Opportunities

Opportunities are available throughout Columbus at our mission sites and churches. Sign up to work at one of the missions listed below on Wednesday afternoon, May 29. Register by May 23. 

Amina’s Dream Sewing Ministry (3 spots left)

Church for All People Fresh Market 12:30 pm Shift

Church for All People Fresh Market 3:00 pm Shift

Church for All People Free Store

Urban Farm Church

The Charitable Pharmacy

Buckets of Blessings Challenge

This year’s mission collection is for the Bishop's Buckets of Blessings Challenge, where we will see which District can contribute the most buckets of cleaning supplies! Also called Home Care Kits, these buckets include liquid household cleaner, dish soap, liquid laundry detergent, and a scrub brush, all in a 5-gallon bucket. Click here for more on how to make MMDC Home Care Kits. For his final Annual Conference as West Ohio's Bishop, let's make sure we shower Bishop Palmer with Buckets of Blessings! Donations can be brought to the Mission Truck at Annual Conference.