Bias Opinion

Reflections on 50 Years of Ministry: The Difficulty of Prayer
This is the fourth blog in the series, "Reflections on 50 Years of Ministry.” You're invited to visit Transforming Mission to explore resources for your ministry and the previous three blogs.
How often do you pray? Do you have a particular posture? Do you say particular words? What is your focus when you pray? Who taught you to pray? What is prayer anyway?
Over my years in ministry, I have discovered that one big assumption is people know how to pray. The reality is we have difficulty praying. We have learned to pray short prayers publicly for dinners or special occasions, but few of us have a pattern for prayer. Our difficulty in praying is not that we don’t have time, or that we lack discipline. Our difficulty in praying reveals that we do not know how to pray, what to pray, or even why to pray.
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