ORD -Leading Worship -LSM Core Class

Leading Worship

LSM Course

Instructor: Rev. Theresa Wallington-Tipton and Scott Tipton

This course focuses on the ministry of the lay servant who either regularly or occasionally leads a group or congregation in worship.  It is one of the required courses for Lay Speaker or Certified Lay Minister. It will be led by Rev. Theresa Wallington-Tipton and Scott Tipton, Lay Speaker.

Course consists of 2 sessions. BOTH are required for completion.
Friday, October 18 (6:30 PM-9:00 PM)
Saturday, October 19 (8:30 AM-5:00 PM)

Friday evening will be by Zoom and Saturday will be in-person

Location: Parkview UMC, 344 S. Algonquin Ave., Columbus, OH 43204


Contact:  Lesley Moore - lmoore@wocumc.org - 567-221-7013

Students will need to purchase their own text:

Read the text before class: Worshiping with United Methodists (revised) by Hoyt Hickman can be purchased using either of these links:

https://www.amazon.com/Worshiping-United-Methodists-Revised-Pastors/dp/0687335264/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3D32UV0X5POO7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gx0juBrWiomj0hNAY_U_xvbf2Vij1RMRr-OFCtIeHEg.al8Oni4_ViyLS5ejcRi1-Xm0zT7bj0XOVEUpmNZcpPU&dib_tag=se&keywords=worshiping+with+united+methodists%2C+by+hoyt+l.+hickman&qid=1718725498&sprefix=Worshiping+with+%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-1 or https://www.cokesbury.com/Worshiping-with-United-Methodists-Revised-Edition

Event Sponsored By
Olentangy River District
Location Name
Parkview UMC
Location Address
344 S. Algonquin Ave. Columbus, OH 43204
Lesley Moore