The Harry Denman Evangelism Award honors United Methodists in each annual conference whose exceptional ministry of evangelism brings people into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Wesleyan evangelism combines the works of loving kindness with the sharing of God’s love for all people. This year, West Ohio presented the Denman Award to three individuals:

  • Laity – Karla Butler
  • Youth – Daniel Barrios Diaz
  • Clergy – Rev. Brandi Blackstone

Lay person Karla Butler is a member of Rockford United Methodist Church in the Western Lakes District. After participating in a mission trip to Appalachia, Karla realized the need in her own community for a thrift store where customers can pay as they are able for clothing and household items. Karla now opens the thrift store every Wednesday and Saturday, listening with compassion to the people who come and often praying for them. Karla also oversees the local food pantry, now located in the thrift store, and coordinates volunteers from multiple churches and service organizations. In addition, each Christmas Karla organizes and oversees Rockford UMC’s “Together for Christmas” dinner, which served 550 meals on Christmas day last year! One of Karla’s letters of support said this: “I stumbled into Helping Hands about 16 years ago to meet this kind woman serving our community in this little thrift store. … As the years have gone on, Karla has not only befriended me and my children – she has welcomed me with such a love and compassion. Karla is the epitome of what I think every person in the church should aspire to serve as. She has taught me about the person I want to be in Christ.”


Daniel Barrios Diaz is a 5th grade student who attends Iglesia Hispana Campus at Grove City United Methodist Church in the Olentangy River District. Danny is passionate about telling his friends and classmates about the love of God and inviting them to church. Danny even asks his pastor to call the parents of his friends so she can explain about the activities they do and get permission for his friends to attend. When one of his English-speaking friends plans to attend, Danny makes sure the pastor knows they will need translation. Danny also prays for his friends and shares their prayer requests with his congregation. In worship, Danny plays the drums and helps lead the prayer, and he regularly attends the Wednesday evening Bible study. Danny’s pastor, Elizabeth Ortiz Herrera, says, “We are so blessed to have Danny in our church, and we are honored to walk with him on his faith journey. We pray the Holy Spirit will lead him to continue doing his calling.”


Rev. Brandi Blackstone, who serves as an associate pastor at Grove City United Methodist Church in the Olentangy River District, is this year’s clergy recipient of the Harry Denman Evangelism Award. In addition to leading many of the church’s youth programs – including this year’s confirmation class of 22 youth – Brandi has reached out to young people through the local school system. Children from several elementary schools will participate in Bible education classes, thanks to Brandi’s efforts, and she also leads the effort to ensure that every elementary child has food on weekends and over holiday breaks. At another elementary school, Brandi and Grove City UMC help provide basic needs for students such as school supplies, clothing, and food. Brandi spent President’s Day weekend with the youth of the church, participating in various local mission opportunities. According to Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Brian Jones, “Brandi works tirelessly to put a relationship with Jesus at the forefront of everything she does. She understands that a relationship with God often arises out of faith-forming relationships, and through small groups, mission, and family ministry, has created a family atmosphere within the church.”

Congratulations to all of our recipients for the exceptional work they do in and through their churches and communities!