MTSO Offers Immersive Experience to Cultivate Racial Resilience
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MTSO Offers Immersive Experience to Cultivate Racial Resilience

The Methodist Theological School in Ohio is presenting a course entitled, Cultivating Racial Resilience; An immersive experience of implementing anti-racist practices in mind, body, spirit, and community.

Racial Resilience is an intensive anti-racism training method that helps individuals develop an anti-racist conscience and act as change agents within their institutions to help them develop an anti-racist ethos. This project will connect congregational clergy, lay leaders, and youth with training around anti-racism and justice, and will present these principles as core to their churches and communities.

MTSO is currently accepting applications for 10-15 appointed clergy and ministry leaders (i.e. people whose full- or part-time work is in a ministry context) eager to learn more about anti-racism from a theological perspective and desire to apply these principles to an existing or new ministry project. Applications are being accepted through March 10.

To learn more, click here.