Join West Ohio VIM Team to North Katanga!
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You are invited to be a part of a West Ohio Conference Volunteers in Mission Team to the North Katanga Annual Conference in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The mission experience will include a team of 8-10 persons who will work with the leaders of the North Katanga Annual Conference to develop a training experience for the youth and young adults in the congregations surrounding the village of Kamina. In addition to the training, the team will have the opportunity to visit a remote village, ride on Wings of the Morning airplane, visit the Kamina Children’s Home, visit Kimisamba Farm, and worship with local congregations.

Once the team arrives in the Congo, access to electricity, running water, and internet are not guaranteed. Temperatures will range from a low of 65 to a high of 90.  August is still within the dry season, so it will generally be dusty. Excellent health and the ability to walk distances are a must, as well as mandatory vaccinations (including COVID-19) and malaria prevention per CDC recommendations.

  • When: July 31 – August 8, 2023
  • Team Leader: Rev. David Hoffman will be leading the mission experience.  This is Rev. Hoffman’s fourth mission to the Congo. 
  • Cost: $4500.00

The cost includes visa, airfare, housing, meals, interpretation, training materials, and in-country transportation. In addition to these costs, team members will be responsible for covering the cost of a valid passport, mandatory vaccinations, and anti-malarial medications.

Registrations are due by March 24, 2023, including a $500 deposit. A payment of $2000 is due April 21, with another $2000 due May 26. (Note: Travel insurance is included in the cost of the trip but may not provide a full refund if the trip must be cancelled.) Space is limited to a team of 10 persons. All checks should be made payable to the West Ohio Conference with 2023 NK August VIM in the memo. For more information, please contact David Hoffman at

Join the Team! Please send the following information to Mariellyn Grace, 32 Wesley Blvd., Worthington, OH 43085.

  1. Copy of your passport information page and signature page; copy of your yellow vaccination record; and copy of your COVID vaccine card (please note: your passport must be valid at least six months AFTER August 8, 2023)
  2. $500.00 deposit made payable to the West Ohio Conference
  3. Completed Application (see attachment below)