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  • legislation newsitem
    Reminder: Annual…

    As stipulated in our conference rules, all legislation must be submitted to and received by the Con…

  • umcor disaster newsitem image
    Turkey and Syria…

    A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey at 4:17 am on February 6, the most powerful earth…

  • Kenya news item image
    Kenyan Youth Help Peers…

    Young people in The United Methodist Church’s Eastern Kenya District are taking a collective stand…

  • Congo News news item image with people and plane
    Join West Ohio VIM Team…

    You are invited to be a part of a West Ohio Conference Volunteers in Mission Team to the North Kata…

  • west ohio conference the united methodist church text image
    2023 Board Of Ordained…

    “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said…

  • bishop news item image
    Exciting Work Happening…

    Dear Ones in Christ Jesus: Grace and Peace to you. I want to take this opportunity to give yo…
