  • SuzanneA
    Rev. Dr. Suzanne Allen…

    Bishop Gregory V. Palmer has announced the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Suzanne Allen as Great Miami…

    UMCOR Responds to…

    UMCOR awarded a solidarity grant to the Pacific Northwest Conference to support initial response ef…

  • Ohio Council of Churches
    Join the Ohio Council…

    On October 20, The Ohio Council of Churches will hold its 4th Annual Anti-Racism Sunday. This worsh…

  • E statements
    Apportionment E-…

    The West Ohio Conference Treasurer's Office is now offering apportionment statements by email. S…

  • Reading
    Bishop Palmer's…

    Reading as one way of nurturing both the head and heart is an ongoing process. There are, however,…

  • Retirement
    You're Invited:…

    We are excited to invite you to our Pre-Retirement Workshop, hosted by the Conference Benefits Offi…

  • Do Unto Others
    Do Unto Others Campaign

    Join over 20 churches in the Great Miami River District as they engage in Church of the Resurrectio…

  • Laundry St. Andrew's
    Olive Branch Laundry…

    Over 25 days, the Olive Branch laundry ministry served 140 clients and washed 233 loads of laundry.…