Podcasts & Training Webinars
AIC podcasts provide perspectives on ministry with people impacted by crime and incarceration. Podcasts are 15-30 minute conversations featuring clergy, laity, and criminal justice professionals and practitioners. Webinars provide training sessions on effective ministry best practices and engagement with populations involved in the criminal justice system. Additional recordings of All In Community Trainings can be found on our YouTube Channel.

Speakers & Trainers
All In Community offers a variety of experienced speakers for pulpit supply and events. Each speaker brings their own unique perspective for ministry with justice-involved persons. Our speakers are pastors, lay ministry leaders, and justice-impacted persons, like our Four Friends. Some speaker are available across the conference and others are district-based. Trainers are available for the Healing Communities framework, justice-involved ministry creation, restorative practices, and cultural competency.
To engage an All In Community speaker or trainer, contact Jami Nathan at jami.nathan.22@gmail.com.
To schedeule a Four Friend, contact Rae Lynn Schleif at rlschleif@gmail.com.

All In Community Conference Team
The AIC Conference Team consists of clergy and laity with personal and professional experience in prevention, jail, prison, reentry, advocacy and victim support ministries. The team members serve as resources and organizers within the district they represent. They also work collaboratively to advance the mission and vision of All In Community across the West Ohio Conference. Members provide specialized training to local churches in their area of expertise and coaching/mentoring with peers.