Equipping Events


“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” – Hebrews 10:23-25

In a ministry field of BIG changes, we have learned that consistency, connection, collaboration, and companionship are essential for moving forward in ministry together in love and good works.  All In Community puts into practice the Hebrews writer’s principles for growing stronger through adversity.  As such, we offer monthly environments designed for mutual discipleship, equipping for good works, encouraging engagement and restorative relational healing.  Each environment harnesses collective compassion, wisdom, gifts and innovation from the group gathered online. As we bring hope and healing in the midst of people’s harmful circumstances, we all need consistent infusions of hope, connection and collaboration. So, mark your calendar and plan to participate in the following monthly offerings.

4th Mondays @ 7:00-8:30PM on ZOOM

“And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it. For its welfare will determine your welfare.” – Jeremiah 29:7

Ministry Mondays opportunities are for learning about specific All In Community ministry pathways both connectionally and within local congregations that radiate out into the community-at-large. Topics may include HOPE Letters ministry, Restorative Practices & Listening Circles, the First 72, and Good Samaritan Ministry.

Cost Per Session: Free


April 11, 11:30AM-1:30PM :: Celina :: Hosted by Mercer County Reentry Coalition
RSVP: Alison Sorenson @ amsorenson@gmail.com

Our lives are constantly being bombarded with images and experiences of seismic shifts, suffering, loss, chaos, and hopelessness to change the situation. Whether being done to us or around us, our inevitable absorption of these “traumatic stressors” shows up in our psyche, behaviors, and relationships in unhealthy ways. The bottom line is that showing up as our best selves in ministry and service takes self-care.

This 1 1/2-hour workshop prepares ministry servants, pastors, community service providers, and justice professionals to recognize the mental and emotional signs that we are in need of some self-care in the face of exposure to life’s traumatic stressors. This workshop offers you education, tools and practices for self-protection against vicarious trauma and for healing from it when experiences overwhelm.

Cost: Free Lunch starting at 11:30AM
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Camisha Chambers, All In Community Nurturing Communities Coordinator

Click image for video Intro

Last Wednesday of the Month  :: On Zoom
12:00-1:30PM (Zoom room Opens @ 11:30AM)
Advanced Registration Required
Zoom Registration:

We cannot do this thing called life without God and without one another. And so, we want to continue undergirding you personally with education, tools and techniques that promote well-being in mind, body, and spirit .

 Wellness Wednesdays provide a safe online space, a brave space, to receive a good tip on how to maintain health and well-being in the midst of life’s challenges. Focused on living out the Scriptures and being present for those who are impacted by criminal justice systems, this time together provides real-time conversation and relevant education around creative ways to care for ourselves as we co-labor in “doing justice.”

Join this online community as we addresses and uplift the critical need for nurturing among our All In ministry servants and community partners.

Cost: Free
Facilitator: Dr. Camisha Chambers (D.Min), Nurturing Communities Coordinator  nurturingcoordinator@gmail.com


Guest Speaker: Dr. Mike Davis, ODRC Religious Services Administrator
March 11 :: 4-6PM

Strongsville UMC,  13500 Royalton Rd, Strongsville, OH 44136

Do you have family or church members who are currently incarcerated or have come home following incarceration?

Many of us do.

Does your congregation have a desire to restore hope and support healing among this often overlooked population through community ministries?

We hope so.

This All In Community Dinner & Discussion provides individuals an opportunity to understand better how to navigate Ohio’s criminal justice system with loved ones, congregants, and neighbors. Family members, ministry servants, and pastors have an opportunity to learn how they can support people close to them who are incarcerated and returning. No family member or congregation can do it alone, so we will identify local resource partners that strengthen our supportive response as part of the reentry continuum of care. Through the All In Community ministry framework, participants will better understand both important direct tangible needs and spiritual, social, and emotional needs that restore hope and support healing during and following incarceration.

Registration required to prepare the dinner table
Register here by March 9

Guest Speaker: Dr. Mike Davis, ODRC Religious Services Administrator
March 11 :: 4-6PM

Strongsville UMC,  13500 Royalton Rd, Strongsville, OH 44136

Guest Speaker: Zach Ruppel, JustLeadership USA
March 12 :: 12-2PM
:: Putnam County Job and Family Services
Located at: 575 E. Ottawa-Glandorf Rd., Ottawa
RSVP by Monday, March 10

Ruth Carter-Crist at 567-239-6925 or Kathy Kaufman at 419-604-1403

Post-Incarceration Syndrome (PICS) is a psychiatric disorder that affects individuals who have been incarcerated and then are released back into society. It is characterized by a range of psychological, emotional, and social difficulties that can arise as a result of being imprisoned. These difficulties can include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), difficulty adjusting to life outside of prison, and difficulty forming and maintaining relationships.

This session takes participants through the basic elements of PICS and provides the opportunity for authentic dialogue with someone who has experience working with PICS. This 2-hour session provide valuable insight for families who have loved ones who have come home, pastors and outreach/mission ministry leaders, community members, and reentry coalition members. 


Doing justice-involved ministry is hard. Leading it is even harder. All In Community provides an anchor of support and guidance on the journey. All In Community Leadership Labs are environments for Matthew 25 co-laborers who minster with justice-involved persons and/or who are transforming their own justice-involved journey. Together, we are learning and growing in our mission of restoring hope, supporting journeys toward healing, and transforming lives and communities to reflect Kingdom values of justice and belonging.

Mark your calendar for June 7 and September 13 for this year's Labs. Details coming soon!

Cost to Attend: AIC Leadership Labs are free. A hospitality offering is greatly appreciated.

Questions or comments? Contact Dr. Camisha Chambers, D.Min., at nurturingcoordinator@gmail.com or Tracy Chambers at chamberstv@gmail.com.