Conference Adopts Net-Zero Emissions Resolution
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During its annual meeting in Dayton, the West Ohio Conference adopted a Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions (N-ZGGE) resolution with a target date of 2050. This action recognizes the need to address the degradation of our environment caused by global warming. To prevent the worst impacts of climate change and preserve a livable planet, emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. The resolution comes two years after 12 Boards and Commissions of the UMC pledged “to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 across ministries, facilities, operations, and investments."

The net-zero resolution expresses a commitment to responsible and just climate action and calls for establishment of a working group of conference members and organizations to assess current gas emissions (baseline), determine appropriate offsets or alternatives, and schedule implementation. The working group may include, but is not limited to, the Creation Care Task Force, Just Mission Lead Team, Board of Trustees, Conference Committee on Finance & Administration, and United Women in Faith.

More resources about climate change are available on the conference’s new Climate Justice webpage at Here you can find information about advocacy, Bible studies, worship, and congregational resources. If you or your congregation are interested in learning more about creation care and how to get involved, email

Is your church already working to care for God’s creation? Share your story with others around the conference by clicking here.