"God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." - Genesis 1:31
The West Ohio Conference Green Church Movement seeks to equip, empower, and encourage West Ohio congregations to care for God’s creation by making their properties and programs more environmentally friendly. As Jesus followers and United Methodists, we are charged with caring for God's good creation, a task inextricably linked to the greatest commandments: Love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.
West Ohio's Green Church Movement is a process that invites churches to start where they are - whether that's introducing a recycling program, planting a community garden, or putting solar panels on the church's roof! Find where your church fits below:
- Take the Green Church Pledge
- Apply for a Green Church Mini Grant (September 2025)
- Attend a Green Church Training
- Earn Green Church Certification!
Green Church Pledge
The West Ohio Green Church Pledge is the first step in the process of becoming a certified Green Church. More importantly, the Green Church Pledge (available below) indicates a church's commitment to evaluating current policies and implementing more environmentally sustainable practices. For example, a church that uses disposable cups for its coffee hour could introduce reusable mugs instead. With the pledge, a church commits to taking two "green" actions within one year: 1.) Completing a sustainability audit (no cost, form provided below); and 2.) Based on the results of the audit, choosing one "green" project to complete. Projects can be simple, easy, and low-cost! The church also pledges to complete the Green Church Training (more below). The Green Church Pledge must be signed by both the Pastor and the Chair of the church's Trustees/Leadership Team/Green Team.
Green Church Mini Grants
As one category of the West Ohio GO! Grants, Green Church Mini Grants provide limited funding for a church's "green" projects such as recycling or composting programs; native plants for a pollinator garden; an Earth Day event; or installing energy efficient light bulbs. In order to be considered for funding, churches must sign the Green Church Pledge and complete a sustainability audit (both provided below). Each grant will supply $100-$1,000 for a green project, and recipients will be recognized at the Bishop's GO! Awards in February. Grant applications typically open in early September and close in mid-October. This step is not required for Green Church Certification.
Green Church Training
The Green Church Training provides a solid foundation for moving your church toward green solutions. The training includes Biblical, Wesleyan, and United Methodist teachings on creation care; tips for forming a Green Team at your church; and plenty of ideas and suggestions for creative ways to green your church - plus time to plan and dream with your church team! Required for Green Church Certification, the training must be attended by at least two people from each church (either two lay or one lay, one clergy). After completing the training, churches are encouraged to take their next step toward environmental sustainability. Cost of the training is $50 for a church team of two people (additional church members are welcome to attend at $10 per person). Scholarships are available for churches with financial need.
2025 Green Church Trainings (subject to change):
- Wednesday, April 23, 4-7pm @ Ashland UMC - Register Here!
- Sunday, September 28, 4-7pm @ TBD
Green Church Certification
Earning West Ohio Green Church Certification means that your congregation is continually improving the ways in which you interact with God's creation. In addition to signing the Green Church Pledge and attending the Green Church Training, your church will complete a certification project, plus commit to completing the sustainability audit and at least one green project each year. The goal is to make environmental sustainability a part of your church's policies and priorities, from what you buy to how you eat (and we know United Methodists love to eat!). The forms below will help you document your progress, and once your church has completed all of the steps, you will be recognized on stage during the Annual Conference awards ceremony.
Questions? Email Mariellyn Grace at mgrace@wocumc.org.