The West Ohio Annual Conference has ties to a number of retirement communities and services. The retirement communities offer different levels of care, including independent living, assisted living and nursing care. They all have a commitment to spirituality, socialization, wellness, cultural and educational opportunities, and respect and love for all.
Ohio United Methodist Retirement Services
Hill View Retirement Center: 1610 28th Street, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662740-354-3135 • www.hillviewretirement.org
Otterbein Senior LifeStyles: 580 North State Route 741, Lebanon, Ohio 45036513-933-5400 • www.otterbein.org
Cridersville: 100 Red Oak Drive, Cridersville, Ohio 45806
Lebanon: 585 North State Route 741, Lebanon, Ohio 45036
North Shore: 9400 North Shore Boulevard, Lakeside-Marblehead, Ohio 43440800-248-4074
Portage: 20311 Pemberville Road, Pemberville, Ohio 43450
St. Marys: 11230 State Route 364, St. Marys, Ohio 45885
The Wesley Communities: 5155 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214614-396-4990 • www.thewesleycommunities.com
Wesley Glen Retirement Community: 5155 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214614-888-7492
Wesley Ridge Retirement Community: 2225 Taylor Park Drive, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068614-759-0023
Wesley Woods at New Albany: 4588 Wesley Woods Blvd., New Albany, OH 43054614-808-1647
Wesley Community Services: 2091 Radcliff Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204 513-661-2777 • www.wesleycs.org