Green Church Training - February 23

The West Ohio Conference is excited to present the first Green Church Training for local churches, coming Sunday, February 23, from 4:00-7:00pm at the Urban Farm Church, 3901 Maize Road, Columbus. Green Church Training provides a solid foundation for moving your church toward green solutions. The training includes Biblical, Wesleyan, and United Methodist teachings on creation care; tips for forming a Green Team at your church; and plenty of ideas and suggestions for creative ways to green your church - plus time to plan and dream with your church team! The training must be attended by at least two people from each church (either two lay or one lay, one clergy). After completing the training, churches will either create a Green Team (if they do not already have one) or complete a green project at their church. Cost of the training is $50 for a church team of two people (additional church members are welcome to attend at $10 per person). Scholarships are available for churches with financial need. Please register all participants from your church at the same time. For more information, contact

Event Sponsored By
West Ohio Green Church Movement
Location Name
Urban Farm Church
Location Address
3901 Maize Rd, Columbus, OH 43224
Mariellyn Grace